Full Stack Developer & Mentor

I enjoy what I do and create elegantly simple things using code.

Hello, I am Anto. Nice meeting you.

Back in 2015, I obtained a degree in Computer Science due to my curiosity about how the web works. Fast-forward to today and I’ve had the privilege of building web applications for start-ups including a Neo-global bank, a HR firm and an Ecommerce company.

These days I’m focused on building products for OurPass Inc, mentoring and personal development. I mostly use Laravel, Vuejs, Tailwind CSS, Nuxtjs, Quasar Framework and Inertiajs. Working in a fast-paced industry made me enjoy learning. It also make me strive to be better at life in general.

When I’m not writing code, I usually take pleasure walks, play video games, hang out with friends, read tech blog posts or learn a new concept about Vuejs/Laravel.

My Works

Council for the Regulation Of Engineering in Nigeria

On hold



On hold

Companies I've helped reach new heights

  • ef-network-ltd-logo
  • ourpass-inc-logo
  • invercross-business-solutions-logo
  • tribesquare-logo



Get in touch